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Seminar: Entrepreneurship and precarity in journalism in uncertain times: evidences from exiled and small-scale media

Today’s journalism is undergoing severe transformations, forcing media professionals to reconsider the practices and principles of their work. Small-scale media, such as journalistic start-ups, diasporic and exilic media, and local media, are experiencing challenges of precarity and the necessity to find survival strategies in these uncertain times. This event aims to address and discuss the challenges faced by media professionals working under conditions of various kinds of instability.

This is the closing event of the research project “Russian Independent Journalism in Exile: In Search of Relevance and Resilience,” where the project team will share the main results of their work and will also open avenues for further discussion on the resilience of small-scale media in Europe working under conditions of financial, legal, organizational, and other instabilities. We strive to address the entrepreneurial potential of these projects and their ability to produce creative responses and solutions to the manifold challenges.

The participation in the event requires registration. Please register online until 15 October 2024: https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/131768/lomake.html


08.30-09.00 Morning coffee

09.00-09.45 “Russian independent journalism in exile: in search of relevance and resilience” – the project’s main results

· Olga Dovbysh, Helsinki University – Project’s background and the results

· Elena Rodina, Helsinki University, “Navigating Connections and Disconnections: The (Re)making of Russian Exiled Journalism in the Digital Age”

· Katja Lehtisaari, Tampere University, “Supporting journalism in exile: Views from the donor side ​”

09.45-10.00 Journalism under conditions of instability and the entrepreneurial potential (Olga Dovbysh)

10.00-10.15 Jenny Wiik, University of Gothenburg, “Exiled media as agents of change: Rethinking journalism in times of transformation”

10.15-10.30 Olli Seuri, journalist, founder of Uusi Juttu, “Building a news start-up in Finland: Case Uusi Juttu”

10.30-10.45 Coffee break

10.45-11.45 Round table discussion “Challenges and entrepreneurial responses of the small-scale media under conditions of instability” (participants Jenny Wiik, Olli Seuri, Liudmila Voronova (Södertörn University), Elena Rodina). Moderator: Katja Lehtisaari

11.45-12.00 Closing words (Olga Dovbysh)